Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Crass-ness of Christmas

I tried not to post anything negative especially during the holidays. People are going through enough not to hear my ranting about what I think this holiday has become over the years. I don't really need to write about it too ? You see it too - right? Where is the love? What has happened?

My whole life Christmas has been a day to market simply everything. If there is not one commercial after another then its hearing your relatives go on and on about what they want rather then finding out what more could they give. If that's Christmas for them, then fine. What more can one say? Hearing that Jesus is the reason for the season has become as cliche as Jingle Bells.

I woke yesterday morning saying, "Happy Birthday Jesus", knowing what the day held for me. There was cooking to be done, I had 2 afghans to finish crocheting and all of the conversation from my children and grand child. Its family. Its what the holidays bring and what some yearn for. The dinner was nice but not as huge as Thanksgiving. I made that decision a few years back. I finished 1 of the 2 afghans and everyone seemed pleased with what they received in the form of presents. That always makes a parent happy. So if that all went well, I wondered what happened to the joy of Christmas for me.

To and from work for a solid week, I listened to nothing but Christmas music. It got to the point that by the time Christmas got here, I was thoroughly tired of Christmas hymns and carols. Maybe that's it. Before Halloween was over, Christmas decorations went up and I could hear them bleed Christmas music in the stores. I didn't really mind it much a few years ago, but if you listen to more then a few weeks of the same music, what happens? My mother used to say when using perfume, "a little goes a long way and too much stinks." Is that what happened to Christmas?

I noticed the nights were coming closer and closer. I saw that it was taking longer for the sun to rise. Was that normal, I kept asking myself. And what came to mind was the scripture where Paul says, you are able to tell the weather but not when the Lord is coming. That didn't make me feel any better.

My mother passed away last year around this time. Maybe that's what was making me feel so...blah. Holidays will never be what they used to be without her. This is true, but the Word tells me that there is a time for mourning and a time when mourning is over. Am I still mourning?

I work for a predominantly Jewish agency. For the most part, they really try to incorporate all faiths...well, as much as they can tolerate. Nevertheless, in looking over that attitude they have about Jesus, I have tried my best not to offend (no matter how much they offend me and what I believe). Am I tired of holding back or is it all culminating around me to the point of needing a vacation?

I suppose this is what many people go through in the holidays and too many times people have this panacea answer that's supposed to wash over you and make it all disappear. Well, in Christ, I always thought it was supposed to and if it lingers that's the fight of faith the Word tells us about - isn't it? We are wrestling not against flesh and blood. So if all of those who don't know Jesus and those who do and don't care what they say, are the ones we are to influence for them to inquire about Jesus, I guess we are failing miserably. With all of the crap that's going on, it is possible in losing sight of what the holiday is all about. If the Holy Spirit never gave us that unction, we would be writing Merry X-mas or saying Happy Holidays like everyone else. I said Merry Christmas to a few people because I was surprised how many days had passed and I had not heard it once. You would be surprised how long it took before the grunts stopped and the hesitations came to order before I heard the greeting back.

Still, God has been good to me. I am here and in good health along with my children. I pray for those who spitefully use me and for those who still have not accepted Him as their Lord and Savior. In this way, Christmas remains what it is: Happy Birthday Jesus!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Scuds and Duds

This blog was written for those Christians that wonder where is the abundance they heard so much about? Asking the question, is this all there is? Or wondering if they are doing the Christian thing right because it isn't at all what they expected (Romans 7:15-20 AMP). Never did I think that I would ever be writing with ministers, preachers, or even pastors in mind. But, as a dean of a Christian college said, aren't we all ministers? I had to think about that for a moment. I suppose once we have established that relationship with God as Jesus did by studying, it is what we all become... in one form or another. So now, I am grouping clergy with the rest of us because we all have to walk this path (Psalm 119:105 AMP). What I am finding is a title is only a title. It doesn't give more wisdom, it doesn't put more anointing on a message, it doesn't show more love, its only a title. Understand?

Every Sunday, I get comfortable and ready myself to listen to one of my favorite pastors on Christian television. The reason I get so into certain ministers is because they seem to know exactly what I am going through for the week and the message pinpoints what I needed to hear (Luke 8:8 AMP). Usually, its the kind of message where you have to take notes and go back to them for reference because you are making those words meat for your spirit to live by. Its good food (Hebrews 5:12-14 AMP). What I would call a scud missile; eradicating the enemy right out of its comfort zone and back to the dry abyss where he belongs (Matthew 12:43-45 AMP). Who doesn't love those messages? Its as if God was watching you and told the minister, evangelist, pastor, or speaker to say this right to you for the time such as it is. You have to just love that!

Well, that Sunday while I was all into the message, it went a little left. When this happens, I sort of
lean in thinking that this is gonna be one of those deep sermons where I might have to go back in the Word and look to see what he is talking about for it to be applicable to my situation or for future use. But then he mentioned the devil and then again, and then he did it again. He said that the devil is organized. Huh? Well, let me wait to see where he was going. I listened and didn't like the neighborhood, so I changed the channel. The sermon was almost over for that episode. How long does one wait before doing something to keep your heart guarded (Proverbs 4:23 AMP)? Now where was my spiritual sustenance for the week? Should I keep tuning in or stop because that one sermon was a dud?

What I am noticing is that ministry is cyclical. Honestly, everything God does is cyclical. In sowing seed: seed in soil, water, sun, plant raises, fruit, harvest. The seed is in the fruit and the process continues. Man and woman meet, marriage, sex, child is born, child grows, meets spouse and the cycle continues. God gives talent, blessing, and gifts to His children, we minister to others, their lives change. God gives to them and the cycle continues. Its a well oiled machine. In studying the Word, one can see this same process in all things. God shows love and gives love. If you operate in fear, you decided not to accept His love, so the opposite comes to collect. The enemy. This happens every single time. There is no getting around it. Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. Operate in love, its what you will receive. Operate in kindness, it is what you will receive. If deception is your means of entertainment, then you cannot be upset when those around you lie, steal, and cheat to get what they desire. God's harvest is what He has sown. He will not gather deceit, frustration, laziness, malice, and anything else that is not of Him. Be thou holy for He is holy. Its as simple as that.

Ministers standing before a congregation have accepted the assignment to be the mouthpiece of God. When anything other then His Word is being spoken, there will be consequences. You see the congregation is not only there to receive what God has for them, but to pray for the minister who is speaking. Hopefully, he/she realizes that the pulpit is not the place to embarrass or to humiliate others. It is not the time to get revenge (actually, its never the time) and is never a place to focus on your own agenda. There is a cycle in ministry as well. The minister prays to hear from God. He studies to hear from God. He continues to do so until he is confident that the message is from God with scriptural reference. If there is no scripture used, there is no truth in it. If there is no truth in it, then the message did not come from God and this minister will need much prayer. He will receive consequences for feeding God's people food that was not prepared at the Lord's table.

The Word is clear on this matter. Let every man have a good report (Philippians 4:8 KJV). Why? Because this man is doing the will of God. God is good. The cycle is working. Teachers will be held at a higher standard (James 3:1 AMP). If ministers don't think they are teachers, this information is a rude awakening. We already made a decision when we chose life. Life then becomes the answer to every other question where we have to make a decision. If you still don't know, ask God. He sees where every decision will lead you. His intention is for His harvest to be full and abundant much like the life Jesus promised when God sowed His only Son into the earth. Now, that was a one of a kind scud missile!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

There Is A Problem

Before delving into the Word, please forgive me for not being as diligent as I would have hoped to have been this year. I am in the process of making a career and change in residence. All of my personal belongings have been packed and I resort to going to the library to write in my spare time. I do thank you for your patience and supporting this blog by checking in and reading those entries that may be new to you.

In studying the scriptures, when God recognized a problem, He resolved it. Problem: the world was void and without form. Solution: God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:2 KJV). Problem: God created the Garden of Eden so big there was no one to feed it. Solution: God created 3 rivers to nourish the garden (Genesis 2:10-14 AMP). Problem: It was not good for man to be alone. Solution: God created woman (Genesis 2:22-23 AMP). Now that last problem is a powerful statement seeing that God epitomizes what good is and created all. There was a problem and His solution was to create a woman. Selah.

Here is my question: How is it that man, God's creation, thinks he can create a better solution then the one God made? From having a dog as his best friend to marrying the same sex, how are any of those things better then the what God said and concluded that it is good (Genesis 1:31 AMP)?

Understand if you choose to do anything outside of what God has created as good, that's your right and you have the freedom to make that decision (Proverbs 18:21 AMP). Only, you can't then complain and expect absolution when crap happens. This is basic Christianity 101!!! You, whether you believe it or not, created a bigger problem by going outside of what God calls good.

I just learned a few weeks ago, one of my favorite speakers of all time passed away last year. The way I came about this information was surfing the channels on youtube and finding his face on a few of them. He had been out of the public view for a few years and I was surprised to see him back. But upon closer scrutiny, the channels were commemorating his passing. His name is Arch-Bishop Veron Ashe. He was introduced by Pastor Carlton Pearson way back in the early 90's and was regarded as one of the most dynamic and anointed speakers in the Christian circuit. He went on to be seen on the Potter's House and in various parts of the United States and Europe. I know when it was announced that he was anywhere in Michigan, I was there. In his sermon, he mentioned several times that he was married to the church and had not been married to anyone. Personally, I found that strange but not unheard of because speakers of the clergy like to use Paul as an example for not being married and still being anointed to do as God called them to do (or so we think).The problem here is that we were
never required, taught, or told to follow Paul. Fast forward: Veron Ashe passed away destitute and alone, according to the article linked here. It wasn't until later did I find that he is the grand child to Mary Kay Ashe, the multi-million dollar business mogul of Mary Kay Cosmetics. How much sense does that make?

My son is single and 30 years old. He has been talking to a pastor who is also single and in his mid 50's. The pastor claims that he believes marriage is a ministry and he has not been called to it. I warned my son to guard his heart and be watchful when listening to this man preach (Proverbs 4:23 AMP).

Another pastor had an uncle about 20 years older then himself. The pastor marveled how his uncle could keep himself celibate for so long and maintain holiness in Christ (his words). In his late 70's, the pastor made the declaration that he is ready to be married. The problem was the pickings were so slim, that no one was interested. Eventually, instead of him looking, he went back into the nature he was used to - single life. By his late 90's, the pastor told him it was high time for him to let go of his independence and come and reside with his nephew and wife. He did. One night when all of the other occupants were busy with their lives, the uncle tripped on a stair and fell tragically. He passed away - alone. What could anyone say, but to feel sad.

I just wonder how anyone can question the quality of their lives when they refuse solutions God has created and has freely given. Are you afraid? He created a solution for that (2 Timothy 1:7 AMP). Are you apprehensive because you have no example of a happy marriage? There is a solution for that (1 Peter 5:7 AMP). Do you love your stuff more then sharing it with anyone else? God knew and created a solution for that too (Matthew 6:1-20 AMP). So you see, there is no excuse or special privilege to those who truly wish to have their lives better off then what it is. Its really up to you.

Trust, when God says its not good to be alone- it really and truly ain't.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

If You Have an Itch....Well?

In writing for Christian singles one would think that this topic has been misplaced. Not so, especially during this age when many men have decided to be alone no matter (Genesis 2:18 AMP) what.  Because of the age and man's decision to be single, it affects the other half of the population whether it is her desire or not. Dating then becomes secondary but maturation in Christ holds the priority. People still have to function and maintain Kingdom Living (Romans 14:17 KJV). How can this be when these two factors are out of place - remaining single and being mature in Christ?

While pondering that question, here is a link to one of the most popular entries in the Christian Single blog, Making It Plain. It is entitled, The Lower Nature where I have written about this topic before; however, recently a question was posed in a Christian group on Facebook. The topic of masturbation was simplified as being something that has become a necessity. The statement (paraphrasing): if one has an itch, one scratches it. If one is hungry, one eats. If one is thirsty, one drinks and so forth implying that masturbation would also be well fitted into that reasoning. Personally, it sounds plausible yet this would also make sense to a sinner. That by itself  was a cause for me to find a definitive verse in the Word that would unequivocally satiate the believer but disturb the sinner. Why? The believer and sinner will never think alike (2 Corinthians 6:14 KJV). There is no commonality in the two other then what once was but has since passed away. The sinner will pacify himself with wrong doing, wrong thinking, and will try to influence others to make the act socially acceptable disregarding absolute truth.

With the media having a powerful impact on how people construct their lives, I refer to a movie There's Something About Mary, which was released as a romantic comedy, starring Ben Stiller and Cameron Diaz. In it, Ben Stiller's character was given advice about how to control his sexual urges so that the conversation could be normal and he not ruin the date by directing the conversation toward the two of them having sex. The advice given was for him to masturbate just before his date so that he would not have sex on his mind. Presumably, before agreeing to do what was advised, he thought how he felt afterwards in the past and therefore decided that the advice was sound. Unfortunately, his timing was off and so what some might have guffawed, I winced and kept my stomach from being upset by changing the channel. Nevertheless, I recognized the same antics from this advice in other skits and spoofs different from the aforementioned movie. Its purpose was to get the viewer use to what has once been considered taboo.

Let's try to make some sense as to why something so exclusive and private would have ever be thought of as taboo. Honestly, if Jerry Seinfeld would have never made fun of the sexual act in his sitcom, would we be as cavalier with the use of it now? Commercials for products designed to enhance the performance are being produced without protest. Boutiques carry battery operated devices that sell well in an industry that is booming. With so much social acceptance and has been labeled as something that everyone is doing or has done before, why should Christians be concerned? Would it keep a believer out of heaven?

The next day after the young woman asked the question in the Christian group on Facebook, Joyce Meyer, Dr. Creflo Dollar, and Bishop T. D. Jakes also delved into it all on the same day. It was amazing! Well, they used the term self control while I answered the question using the word, discipline. It is not something too many Christians rally to know anything about. Discipline and self control has as much edge of the seat, riveting, genuine interest as a believer asking God for more long suffering and patience; yet all 4 of these traits with 5 more are necessary for Jehovah's harvest to be what He expects (Galatians 5:22-23 AMP).

Shall we continue even further or do you have an understanding where this is going?

While I understand why the question was asked, the only way any believer reading that question can truly be set free is through the Word of God. When hearing other sermons on the matter (too few to get into depth), the scriptures used were on fornication and lust. The speaker would group those two subjects in with masturbation and leave the listener not quite content with having the actual question answered. Would God be so specific about those two subjects and not be specific about something by which He knew would be an issue in these last days? With Him being a Good Father and the supplier of all of our needs, He also would be specific in this matter as well.

As a disciple of Christ, this means one is disciplined. Can you see how the two words are similar? In the discipleship, one accepts the responsibility of being consecrated in Him. He/she allows for the Holy Spirit to have full control of the will. In so doing, one's purpose in life becomes clear or is confirmed. Jehovah-Jireh has sought and supplied our needs. We have a healer, deliverer, a comforter, a supplier, a peace giver it is all good all of the time. If our hearts and minds are stayed on Him, why would there be a need for anything else? If urges arise and we are not married, wouldn't that be a clue that there is something we have fed our hearts and minds that is not of Him? It would have to be, don't you see? He has supplied EVERYTHING!!! Why would there be a need to gratify self (Galatians 5:16-25 AMP)?

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Powering Through

Its the determination to do right in the face of opposition (James 4:17 AMP). It is the commitment a Christian makes when under spiritual attack and temptation rears its ugly head for you to choose to stay or go back out in the world (1 Corinthians 10:13 AMP). Its what ministers call holy boldness because you are more then a conqueror through Christ Jesus (Romans 8:37 AMP). Yes, you can do this....YES, WE WIN!!!

It all sounds good, it makes for a dynamic sermon, and we leave feeling more powerful then ever. I have been there. Then I began to study and wondered about somethings...especially going through ministerial school. If you have been following the progression of this blog, you read about my experiences in ministerial school and the horrors that a couple of ministries can bring when you believe everything you hear rather then reading the Word for yourself first (2 Timothy 2:15 AMP). Been there too; it wasn't fun.

To give a synopsis of what I already wrote, suffice to say (write), that one of the first instructions that I received that caused a frown was not to tell anyone what I was about to learn. How was that possible when I am trying to be trained to minister to people (Romans 15:19 AMP). Alright, I thought and then they proceeded with a skit for the students to believe that while we are doing as the Lord told us, (obedience), we will now experience all sorts of turmoil (confusion). The children will act like they lost their mind, your job won't be the peaceful place it once was, your spouse will have issues with everything you are doing, and by and large you will think that you should quit ministerial school. We are telling you to power through. The skit continued in its comical fashion and for the most part we walked away thinking to be on our guard for the stuff they warned us would happen. That's right, we accepted the message and expected trouble (Mark 11:23. Romans 8:31, Isaiah 26:3, Romans 14:17, Matthew 11:30 AMP).

During those short months that I remained in the institution, my health was deteriorating with something I was not familiar with nor could I describe without sounding like I was on some sort of mind altering substance (which I wasn't, though I wasn't believed). One of my fellow class mates was rushed to the hospital and almost lost her life. Because of the faith of her husband, she pulled through and no one could tell that she had ever been through anything when it was over. There was another classmate that lost her job but continued in school without a hitch. She then lost her home and had to move back in with her mother. She called herself powering through as her wedding day approached and she was finishing her first year of ministerial school, when out of no where with all of the volunteer work she was doing in the ministry, transitioned home. No one was more surprised then her fiance. He couldn't explain what happened or why. He, like everyone else that knew her, was stunned.

How do you power through all of that? Where were the comforting words for the students that remained in the ministerial school because of determination? Even though they are hearing that God is doing all of this to His obedient children, they remained? For what? To find the strongest minister? To see who can stand in the face of opposition? So that in the end, you can be trusted to be on staff? Seriously, when do you pack it in because you realize the Word doesn't require this from anyone? When do you see that man has been manipulative with your mind and because your thinking is altered so is your belief system (Ephesians 4:27 AMP) ? Its enough to make a believer very angry...but God.

Anger is a powerful emotion. It can make you do some destructive things if you allow it or it makes you say something that you wouldn't normally say but needed to be heard. Which side of the spectrum would you like to be on? When you decided that life was the answer to a question asked so many years ago, it is the same answer to this question as well. I went on a campaign rage though it was all in letter form and was actually never mentioned or sent until now for the purposes of this blog. I was determined to send a letter to all of the ministries I had been supporting through out the years. I was going to send them the same amount of progressive letters (or lack thereof) as they had sent to me complete with an envelope telling them of the plight I was going through keeping a job, a residence, and finances due to the crap that was spewed on me while I was enduring ministerial school. I was going to send them a scripture as they do in the telethons and tell them that according to the numbered scripture and verse, that's how much money they should be sending to me for the year or two or whatever came to my mind at the time. I planned to keep asking for more and giving them pictures of my progress because even if on a smaller scale, what God has called me to do is a ministry too - right? That's what was ministered to me all of those times I came to church and listened to all of those sermons. Why couldn't I do the same thing that they did to me?

And then I calmed myself because God is still God and He saw all that I had been through because I adhered to what a man said and didn't test it out as God told me to do (1 John 4:1 AMP). Once I understood that, I was delivered. Once delivered, I could get up, shake the dust off, look for the plain path where I left Jesus, and get back with the race. Consequently, the test returns to see if you learned anything (Luke 11:20-26 AMP).

I didn't complete the course work in that particular ministerial school for a myriad of reasons. I did
apply elsewhere and was surprised at the curriculum with the course work being accredited. So excited to begin, I registered as a corresponding student. The first year was a little tough due to it being the first time as a correspondence student. It requires dedication and much more focus then it would be if I were in class. I made it for the first term without a hitch. The second term was a little more challenging and didn't go very well to the point of where I had to drop the courses. Suffice to say (write), every time I registered for another term, something happened. The company where I was employed down sized and the program that carried my position was one of the first to go. I had to seek employment elsewhere (3 times). My residence was broken into twice to the point of me not feeling safe where I was. I sought residence else where (3 times). My cars were vandalized, totaled, and stolen. I asked myself over and over again what was going on. I never realized that these things happened every time I registered for ministerial school....well, the realization didn't happen, until recently.

Common sense would tell me to quit and seek to have a career void of the ministry. Just the sound of that sentence was like listening to the explanation of human reproduction in Greek. What? I walked this challenging road with a co-worker who is also born again and terminated from her position. I listened to her as she was trying to find another job and a place to stay. Her griping because of what we both had to do at this time in our lives, made sense but it didn't progress us any further (Philippians 2:14 AMP). She expected for me to stay on the same road with her but it wasn't what God called me to do. No matter how difficult it appears to be, doing what compromises joy, peace, and righteousness is like giving the enemy the keys all over again. That won't happen in my life and just for that reason, I have to power through.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Is It Hard To Be Good?

Is that not a question we ask of children? Children find the very things parents try to keep from them
for their own good and yet, there they are, right in the middle of the very thing we told them to stay away from. Parents have been called to school because Billy couldn't control himself or his temper or didn't come into the building along with the other children after recess. What's wrong with Billy? Why won't he get with the program? All of the other children know what to do.

Then we are wired for adult hood, still trying to do the right thing and these days we have to question what the right thing is...or do we? A bus driver states he will never help a woman who seemingly is in need because her boyfriend is slapping her around in public. He stops the bus and gets the man off of this woman who looks like she needs help. Instead not only is the man fighting the bus driver but so is the supposed damsel in distress. The bus driver had to get the woman off of him before he could reassess what just happened, get back on the bus and continue doing what he was paid to do. Never again, he said.

In my place of employment, the employees have been warned (yes, warned) that if there is a resident that needs CPR or help standing up, we have to call 911. Now the employees are trained to administer CPR, but the new rule is that we are no longer allowed to touch any of the residents for anything. When asked why, I was told that because of our training we are allowed 1 for the "good Samaritan" in us, but that's it. After that 1 for a grace period, the employees will be reprimanded. Reprimanded for what? Doing good?

One of the residents fell outside during the harsh winter weather. His neighbor helped him to sit on a bench outside. He then was assisted back in the building for shelter against the cold wind. Not knowing if he was alright or not, 911 was called. He spent time in the hospital for his own good. When he was released he talked about aches and pains which were all understandable because of the weather, his age, and the fall was hard. But then he started asking about details that he couldn't remember. For what? His neighbor suggested that he might have a case. A case to do what and against whom? Who deliberately did harm to him?

I shake my head reading articles and looking over social experiments people decide to have with each other proving the depravity of the world (2 Timothy 3 AMP). How is it supposed to be when the ones doing the video are more then likely the type to fight the one helping or suing the one that had compassion to assist. Years ago, I prayed to God that I not be jaded towards people who have an agenda that is less then empathetic. He has answered my prayer and has given me wisdom to look at matters differently then I had.

Every believer has this love for people. It is in us. It is our light. It is our salt. It is what makes us be called a believer - Him. nevertheless, we are required to pray for a reason (1 Thessalonians 5:17 AMP). Jesus prayed for a reason. God is the one who is omni-present. He was here before we got here. He saw the matter before we even knew it existed. And so we pray because we have a Holy Spirit that comforts us and tells us things to come (John 16:13 AMP). Are the things always going to be good? If we pray, they will be. Why?

Jesus walked through throngs of people that were looking to kill Him (John 10:30-41 AMP). It is written that we will be able to do things better then these. How? Because we know better. We have the guide to direct us. And we understand the purpose. So in answering the question, is it hard to be good? Not when we have prayed and have been instructed to be there at that time to do what we are called to do. The times should not be troubling to us. We knew it was going to be like this. We are troubling to the times because we will NOT follow depravity (Matthew 16:24 AMP).

Saturday, February 28, 2015


One of the things that I believe has become a cliche in sermons as well as in articles is beginning the information with a definition. It just slows down the process for the reader to get the information. Shall I write as if you don't understand? Will it be as if going through grade school again? Won't it be frustrating for you? Do you think its annoying for teachers to go over the same lessons as they had done before only to see their students in Summer school to learn it again? Its as if all of their efforts was for nothing. Do you think God thinks like that? Parents know they have to go over lessons again and again for their children to understand. Therefore, it can't be unusual and has to be a part of the learning process. Phew! It makes me feel better and explains so much in my own life. What about you?

As you recall in many of these entries, I made up my mind not to look at so many news stories. At the end of an hour or so, its just depressing. It doesn't make me more aware of the current events because there is always someone at the ready to tell of the bad news that was reported the night before. For instance, when a city's mayor was in all sorts of scandal, I believe that's when I stopped watching the news. I couldn't understand, why they gave this man so much press when he proved himself over and over again to be a crook. Then a pastor welcomed him in the church so he could further embarrass himself. He used God in his soliloquy making sure we all knew of the word forgiveness (Matthew 6:15 AMP). We also know of the words humility and being apologetic but we saw nor heard those things coming from him. He was a young mayor and his impeachment did not come as a surprise to anyone. Even when the District Attorney became involved and made the statement, "kindergarten children know the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. For a grown man to use the defense that he didn't know, is ludicrous (paraphrasing)."

A famous news reporter had a relationship with a man who carried on with shady dealings. Her career is based on her credibility as a reporter, stating the facts which happen to be the truth. Many times a person is guilty by association and the police will pick up the friends along with the actual perpetrator (1 Corinthians 5:11 AMP). When her boyfriend was implicated in a scandal, the police also had questions for her. This ruined all that she was trying to build in the city where she was employed. She was fired solely because the news story had much to do with her involvement. Was she to report the news on herself? Was it that important to stay in a relationship with someone she knew that wasn't doing right and had no intentions of changing. Her salary was over a quarter of a million dollars a year when she was suspended. Was it really worth it?

As it stands, Brian Williams is in a mess. He lied about a news story for no other reason but to gain more notoriety. How much more does one need when the position you hold is an international news reporter? His questionable tactics also caused his suspension and a leave from his position and salary. Why go there? Why make statements that aren't true? Why mess with a life that was perfectly framed? What more would one need or want (Psalm 23:1 AMP)?

These questions are what also can be asked of you. I began this blog because I heard so many believers ask, is this all there is. I asked it myself. But as I continued to do research and write, I found that what I didn't have and needed was a better relationship with my Lord and Savior. Everything I need is in Him. It is why the scriptures state for there to be less of me and more of You (John 3:30 AMP). It is the reason I have to move out of the way for Him to do the leading. It is the reason we crucify the flesh daily so we can walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:24 AMP). All of these require Him. We don't know more then He does. We are not omniscient, omni-present, nor omnipotent. He is. So when we ask such foolishness like is this all there is, or where is the abundant life that was promised, or we are bombarded with all of the rules and none of the fun stuff, it tells others how immature you really are and how much more of God you need.

Without Him or believing you can do it all on your own, puts you on the path as the aforementioned. You are building on sand and with the storm that comes, your structure (your life, career, worldly possessions) will most assuredly fall (Matthew 7:24-27 AMP). That's a life of constant jeopardy. This doesn't make living more interesting. It puts a person on a broad path described in the bible as destruction, danger, and demise (Matthew 7:13-14 AMP). Where are those adjectives also used? Who is it that has access to those very things? You know, what's his name, whose entire assignment is to kill, steal and destroy. Oh, and for those still wondering if I am talking about the game show, the definition of jeopardy is a hazard or risk of or exposure to loss, harm, death, or injury. Calmly think
on that.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Letting Go Versus Giving Up

This blog serves the purpose for the practicing Christian in finding answers to the question, is this all there is? Or why aren't I receiving what was promised - abundant life? (Proverbs 10:24 AMP).  For all of these entries, there could be a myriad of reasons and contrary to what you might think, it is never God trying to keep the best from you. He didn't give His only begotten Son for nothing. In that, you have received much. So here is the first thing you could stop doing for you to be grateful again. Stop complaining (Ephesians 4:31 AMP).

I watched a mother explain her life and how she struggled financially with her husband and many times they had to make due with what they had. When things began to turn around for the better and she didn't have to keep up with the Jones' because the Jones' were trying to keep up with her, she had a child. The child grew up with the best of everything and her father was only too happy to give it. While he was enjoying watching his daughter enjoy all that she had, the mother remembering the struggle is saying, she will not raise a spoiled child. While her intentions sounded good, the child was making demands of the servants and for her father to purchase everything she touched. The child knows nothing of the struggle and will never feel the financial frustrations that her parents felt. Why? Because they let go of that and will never return to it, if at all possible.

Wisdom would have planned that situation differently. No matter how much that mother would like to have her child grow up with integrity and character, that wrestling match is already over. Integrity and character lost. Wisdom would have those parents in a modest home, socking away all of the profits for their children's future (1 Timothy 5:8 AMP). If the parent's first concern is the children and not their own comfort, the children would never have the threat of being spoiled. The Jones' would be the least of their concerns along with socialites, paparazzi, and the latest fashion trends. Discipline and structure brings character and integrity. If a parent lets go of the discipline and structure in a child's formidable years, that parent has given up (Proverbs 22:6 AMP).

Another faith filled woman was believing God for her dream home. She had bought a house a few years back and paid it off. She thanked God for leading her to it. It served her and her family well. But it was always meant to be a starter home and now she was ready to get the house she really desired. She had been looking through various neighborhoods and narrowed her choices down to a couple of places. Now she believed all she had to do was wait for the opportunity to present itself. Years passed and as they did, instead of keeping herself encouraged she became distressed. The neighborhood she currently resided in had become dilapidated. Her humble abode became the half way mark of the block for the undesirable. She prayed and prayed hoping God would quicken things and put those that needed to be in place, there already. More years passed. Her children grew and moved into places of their own. When this woman was asked what happened to her purchasing her "dream" home, she said, "I just don't care anymore. Thirty years I waited on God and nothing happened. At this point, if I get a house - fine. If I don't - fine." She gave up her dream.

Wisdom would have planned this differently (Proverbs 1:33 AMP). If this woman really wished to have a home as much as she stated, she would have moved in the same manner that she did when purchasing the "starter" house. She found a Realtor, made appointments to see the inside and outside of some houses, she weighed her options and made a bid. She didn't do any of these things but expected God to do it all. Though it is impossible to please Gd without faith, faith without works is dead (James 2:18-26 AMP). All of which takes growth and maturity...which in of itself, is a lesson.

A new parent was feeding her toddler strained baby food for the first time. She had heated some fruit, vegetables and a little cereal. The toddler was used to the cereal and a little fruit but the vegetables were going to be something new. The mother gave the toddler small spoonfuls of the familiar food. Then she slowly introduced the strained peas. The baby stopped for a few seconds, squinted, and then spit the peas out. The mother tried again with the same results. She tried using diversion tactics, sad/happy faces, and even making promises for a new toy. Nothing was working. The new mother then gave up as she entertained thoughts about her child's slowly failing to get nutrients and eventually becoming sick. She fed the child the very thing that the child liked: cereal and fruit.

Wisdom would have planned differently (Proverbs 2:2-10 AMP). In introducing new food to a baby, first get the food the child is used to and with a small bit of the strain peas on the back of the spoon. Fill the tip of the spoon with the fruit. The first thing the baby tastes is the fruit but the swallow is with the peas.

Did you notice that in all 3 scenarios, there is a solution and it is with Wisdom? This is a weapon of warfare that has not been taught as often as it should be in a way that can be easily applied. The Word tells us if we ask God for Wisdom, He gives it liberally and upbraids it not. In the Old Testament, it is written and My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6 AMP). There is no measurement with that verse. It would seem all or nothing. So while we have been complaining about all that we don't have, what have we been doing to gain what we could? Has an education been obtained? Have you read any good books lately? Have we at least prayed to have common sense?

Seriously, if we were truly honest with ourselves, we could see most of our problems have come from us wanting to do what we want to do. We haven't let go of our will for a better way of doing things. If we let go that doesn't mean we have given up. Letting go of our own principles based on our limited knowledge or someone else living vicariously through us, or us being influenced by someone else's life - which ever the reason, its not God's will (John 3:30 AMP). Now you can use the argument that everything we desire is permissible (1 Corinthians 10:23 AMP). Yes, it is, but this is the problem with what we are going through; and its not just us but the way the clergy has taught us. There is a measure on that verse. You must not take it out of its context but read the entire thing. While all that we wish to do is permissible because of the new covenant, grace, and liberty; there is still boundaries, of which we can cross too (James 1:12-16 AMP). Everything that we wish to do, isn't always profitable to do it. How would we know what to do?

The only one that knows where our specific blessings are. The only one that is here and there. The only one that saw your outcome while you were still being formed in the womb (Jeremiah 1:5 AMP). The only one that has loved us since the very beginning and hasn't changed from then to now. The only one to trust. The only one to pray to. The only one to believe in for everything. Seriously, it is over due time to let go of you so there could be more of Him (1 John 4:4 AMP).

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Farm Life

What if life were like living on a farm? Things wouldn't be as difficult. If you needed anything of sustenance, all you would have to do is go out to the barn for the milk and eggs and any other food items would be right out in the middle of the field. What ever you planted, that's what you would live off of. People don't do it because they think it would be back breaking hard work. But if you knew that it is more beneficial for you and that it would improve your health, would it still be hard?

I was watching this reality show where this father and husband was in a financial and legal battle. He was at a quandary as to what to do. As he pondered over the matter, he thought about his childhood and went out to purchase chickens. He remembered how simple his life used to be. His wife didn't understand why he would do such a thing since they have been city folk most of their lives and their children really didn't understand it. Later in the episode, their German Shepherd dogs that were having more of an issue then the entire family had an early morning snack even before any of the family woke up. A bloody mess and nothing the children should have seen - yet, it was an opportunity for a lesson, if he only knew. It was an interesting plight of this man, who was trying to make sense of all of his legal battles and what he found comforting was to find something in his childhood that was carefree. Yet he never taught his children those values and he didn't choose a wife with those simplistic traits. Because of his choices, the dogs, indicative to his own personality, did what their instincts told them to do. He was not surprised. The children were devastated having only seen chickens for the first time the day before.

A divorced father had partial custody of his children. While they were growing up and he was still married, he was harsh with his words and in disciplining them. He would almost always use corporal punishment. His wife warned him, if he continued in that manner, the children would become immune to the beatings and they would resent him. Believing he was doing the right thing in raising his children, he continued. Now his children are grown with lives of their own. The divorced father has grand children that he doesn't see unless he calls and pleads for them to come and visit. There are many things that his children are talented in and many things their father needs help with, yet instead of asking, he uses the fact that they have been raised as Christians to manipulate them. Resenting the predicament he created and waffling with what they know in Christ, they try to avoid him whenever possible. He is amused with their efforts.

A young man finished high school and struggled through his undergrad years of college. He made some contacts and some associates but was never close enough to anyone to call them a friend. While trying to get a job, he heard of an opportunity in a company from one of his classmates. At first chance he got, he looked into getting the job. Once he landed the position, he focused on doing well for his superiors to notice him so he could be promoted or at the least get a raise. In the mean time, his classmate asked if he could put in a good word so he could get a job as well seeing they were both in the same field. The young man explained now that they have entered into the corporate world, things work differently and he has to look out for his best interests. His classmate looked at him bewildered wondering if he meant what it sounded like. If it weren't for him telling about the job he would have never known. The young man patted the shoulder of his class mate and said, "good luck."

The Word tells us if we have the faith of a mustard seed that we could do great things (Matthew 17:20 AMP). It continues to describe all what a mustard seed can do. If sown into good ground and taken care of, that seed will grow strong and be able not only to withstand the harvest of crops but could also house nests for birds (Luke 13:19 AMP). Through out the bible, the Word continues to use sowing and reaping as analogies for us to use in our day to day lives. When there is such a struggle for everything, we are quick to believe that it is supposed to be this way. If this is true, what is the abundant life that Jesus came to give? I ask this continually because Christians believe we are supposed to struggle throughout the life we chose to live. It simply is not true.

We make decisions. If those decisions are contrary to the Word, there will be a struggle to resolve the issue (1 Corinthians 6:12 AMP). The man with the financial and legal battles had much to deal with because of his dishonest practices. He could simply apologize and make good on his promises in order for his life to resume in peace. Instead he creates a childhood memory to gain some sort of stability in his life. Yet his dogs destroy it which is indicative of the life seeds he has sown. The divorced father with partial custody of his children might be amused with his manipulative antics as he was when they were children. Yet he is already begging for his children to come see him. If he doesn't change, and sow better seed this man is already experiencing the harvest he had sown for the majority of his life (Ephesians 6:4 AMP). The young man ceased an opportunity that came upon him through information. While he can justify why the classmate didn't seek the position for himself, he was not incapable of assisting his classmate in obtaining the position. Disregarding in helping is also seed sown. Though he wished his classmate good luck, the classmate should have said the same thing to him (Matthew 7:9 AMP).

Here is a question that true believers have issues with. The flesh continually wars with the Spirit and the Spirit wars with the flesh (Galatians 5:16-25 AMP). How long does this last? If the flesh is crucified daily and we grow to be more like Christ, are we still warring with the same issues that we know better not to do (John 15: 1-27 AMP)? Aren't we supposed to do better because we know better or do we need the milk of the Word again?

With each struggle there is a lesson learned and a means by which it is manifested. The Word tells us everything that the Lord has not planted, He will pull up by the root (Matthew 15:13 AMP). So if there is a hardship that continually comes your way, ask God where did that particular seed comes from and how you can change it to receive a better harvest (Galatians 6:9 AMP). He hears the prays of the righteous. If you truly desire to be back on the right path, do your due diligence and pray. It is a command that is required anyway. Consider it the labor of a different sort of farmer. Its how he lives (James 5:7-20 AMP).

Saturday, January 10, 2015

God Said Okay Because You Said Okay

Do you meditate on an issue you are going through or do you pray about it and let it go? What if you were the reason for the issue and if you had not said, thought, or reacted in the way that you did, you wouldn't be going through what you are going through? Sounds like a riddle, doesn't it (1 Timothy 4 AMP)?

This came to me, as many things do when I write an entry to this blog or when I hear ministers preach. How can a minister, preacher, pastor, or evangelist have people come to the alter to cancel out the enemy's assignment if God told the enemy that he could be there? Let's just say that because of the power of God is on the minister, at the time, that the assignment is taken off of the person while at the alter. The person undoubtedly feels better but the moment he/she leaves the alter or the building, the issue, bad feeling, or problem comes back (Luke 11:21-26 AMP)? What does that person do?

Hmm. What actually happens, the person is distressed and/or anxious for those feelings to cease completely and begins to find some other solution. The Word tells us to seek a multiple of counselors for safety (Proverbs 11:4 AMP). That takes time not only to make an appointment but to see all of those people and hearing all of those opinions that may or may not come from God. In all of that time, the feelings or the issues continue. What is it and why is it lingering? Why didn't the prayer that the minister prayed over you stick?

Could Saul have felt that way when he was after David? There he was living in the palace and loving kingdom life when out of the blue, he started to feel anxious. David's singing and playing the lyre is what calmed him (1 Samuel 16:23 AMP). It calmed him so much that he had David travel with him. Fighting in wars, David was right there. David also learned from Saul, though he had power and strength of his own believing in God completely for everything. Isn't that the division between the two of them? We could see that when they came back from a fight and the people sung more favorably for David then they did for Saul. Saul's immediate reaction was to get rid of the very thing that gave him comfort but it also took away his notoriety in the people. When Saul was premeditating on the murder of David, and David knew about it, his focus was to protect the anointing that he believed was on Saul as well (1 Samuel 24:1-22 AMP).

Two different issues (anxiety and jealousy) and both are sin; yet one way of reacting only made the issue worse and the other destroyed the problem altogether. If you recall, when Saul was coming after David, those feelings came back. He couldn't have David come sing them away anymore and plot for his death at the same time so he sought after a psychic (1 Samuel 28:7 AMP). On the other hand, David tried to reason with Saul and even showed that if he desired to, he could have killed him. Ironically, Saul committed suicide in the middle of one of those wars (1 Samuel 31:1-8 AMP).

As Christians, we live in a palace as well (1 Corinthians 6:19 AMP). We are required to keep it holy. Why? Because greater is He that is in me (us), then he that is in the world. In so doing, we learn to be fruitful (in the Holy Spirit) and multiply. While we maintain the kingdom, we continue to do what we are called to do. This means that we continue to walk in the Spirit, crucify the flesh daily and pray unceasingly (1 Thessalonians 5:17 AMP). We are redeemed, the anointed, and the salt of the earth. We let our lights shine. So where would problems, issues, and trouble come from? Answer: Thinking, doing, and saying things outside of righteousness. God said not to give place to the devil. So then, why do we? Why do we react in anger? He has told us to be angry and sin not. Why do we speak profanely? Why do we use language so casually for God to damn this or that? Why when tested, we don't use the Word that was taught when going to church services every week? We have strange ways in reacting to common circumstances. When will we be the peculiar nation that God has set aside for Himself (Deuteronomy 14:2 AMP)?

The doctor says that you have such and so disease. You thank the doctor, receive the instructions given, and get radical!!! Now that you have the name of it, it has to bow to the name of Jesus. Everyday, get that Word out and do the battle that you have been fully armed for (Ephesians 6:11 AMP). Then ask God where this thing came from so you can change your behavior (thinking, saying, doing) and pull this thing up by the root.

Your spouse comes to you and says that he/she is not happy and would like a divorce. If that was an ambush and you didn't see it coming, do as the Word says to do. If there is nothing you can say, grant the peace God has called for you to have and get to praying if you desire for your family to stay together.

You are on a diet and live with your parents. They like fast food and constantly discourage you from losing that weight. If you are old enough and have a job, move out! Do what you need to keep the abundant life Jesus sacrificed to give to you and don't let anyone make you compromise those principles (Colossians 3:21 AMP).

You are new to the area and just found a friend that you think could be your best bud for life. Yet when in a department store your new found friend just lifted merchandise and pocketed it. Now he/she is looking to you to do the same thing. No one is around and you would never get caught. But God is watching you. Is it worth loosing the benefits of righteousness? How are you going to sleep tonight with that enemy knocking on your door ready to move in with 7 of his friends (Luke 11:26 AMP)? Do you really need that friendship that badly because if he/she did this with you, it is familiar and he/she will do it again. Are you ready to have the label of criminal or can you see a better way for yourself?

Its just time out in blaming God for what has transpired in your life and for the bad choices you have made. He is the Author and Finisher of your faith, still it is up to you to use it (Hebrews 12:2 KJV). If you know to do better, why do wrong and expect God to clean it up for you? It just doesn't work like that. You accepted Jesus as Lord. He tells you to be holy for He is holy. You attend church to be taught the Word of God and a better way in walking out this life. If your patience wears thin, its no one else's fault but your own. If you become frustrated because you don't wish to study the guide by which teaches you a better way, its your fault. If opposition meets you at every turn and your answer is to run away, opposition will keep meeting you until you face it. This is life. Embrace it and allow Jesus to be Lord over it. It is the only way.