Monday, October 21, 2013

Shout Out To The 5 Fold Ministry!

In light of the scandalous things happening to ministers in the last few years, I needed to take a step back and
ask God, "What is happening?" I asked God for several reasons, the first being, I won't get a bunch of excuses from Him. Man has said to me repeatedly, it is a sign of the times. Yet, Christians already knew there would be various signs of Jesus's eminent return. We either guard ourselves from the crap around us and rejoice in the expectancy of it or we are watching what is happening and praying for those who have not learned to be on their guard. It is not expected of us, those that believe, to be on the broad path of destruction - or is it (if we to judge what is being broad casted)?

Is it obvious to us that those who are doing things their own way and in the name of Jesus have learned all about a liberty that we have not yet grabbed a hold of? The world has decided to tap into the entertainment industry from a different angle. They have been welcomed into the church.  In January of this year, the networks invaded several ministries through the wives. It was intrusive, a poor depiction of what is expected of the pastor's wives, and I was personally surprised that it lasted as long as it did - one season. It was a reality show (wink-wink) called The Sisterhood. I was pleased that the church did not participate in viewing that nonsense. Why nonsense? Because God has forgiven us of our past and many of those women that were blessed in being pastor's wives should not have thought it right to bring up what God has placed as far from Him as the east is from the west. How was the congregation supposed to take the ministry seriously when the first thought before going to the pulpit isn't if the message will be well received, but is the lighting right and will the camera get his/her "good" side. Is that liberty or vanity (1 Corinthians 8:9-12 AMP)?

This year, I saw a new reality show about to begin, Preachers of LA. The trailer introduced a few ministers (Proverbs 16:18 AMP).
that have been in the church circuit for decades. Their voices followed a script that said something to the effect of, "Why should the rappers and movie stars be the only ones driving the expensive cars and live in the mansions? We are blessed and have the right to have the good things in life too." Did those pastors and music ministers know that the producers were going to show the dilapidated homes of those that make up their congregation while they were asking the previously mentioned question? Do they not know that the trailer made them look like idiots? Are they so full of themselves that they cannot see that they are losing the better part of their congregation that they need? What is happening, will not be a question that is exclusive just for me but one they will eventually ask themselves once it happens.

I was looking a this blog and the other that I host. I had a goal to meet every year to write a post from each blog once a week. That means 52 posts per year. I have come close to meeting that goal once or twice but haven't accomplished it yet. I think this has been my worst year in maintaining that goal. I haven't quit but I did notice, I don't have the zeal about writing the things the Lord has given to me as much as I use to. I write them in a notebook and marvel at the simplicity of what I didn't know in those things that can be easily applied to anyone's life. However, the discussions with other believers that know better and has the knowledge to do better, when the test comes, they don't use what they know (John 16:33 AMP). They rely on the old habits that should have died when they came into the knowledge of the truth. This is discouraging for those that believe the Word of God is the only truth there is.

So I put that in the perspective of these ministers that have embroiled themselves in scandal or silly matters left to those who don't know. Have we become bored with what God has called us to do (2 Timothy 1:6 AMP)? Is it all just too academic for us to show and teach what thus says the Lord anymore? Has it become too difficult to repeat things we have said over and over again only to see man do the very thing we have taught them not to do? Isn't that what Jonah felt just before he was swallowed by the whale (Jonah 1:1-4 AMP)? Take heed ministers. Be warned. We have been called for such a time as this and it was not to envelope with what the world has to offer being friends with those principles (James 4:4 AMP). God has set aside a peculiar nation. When Jesus returns, He will be looking for that treasure that has been set aside. If you are not there, you will be left behind. You know better.

There is only one reason a minister becomes bored with his calling. He has stopped praying. Once the prayer stops, the belief stops. When the belief has stopped the faith ceases. You cannot please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6 AMP). Therefore, if you don't believe, you cannot receive. Its as simple as that. The narrow way is still available for you. Do not find yourself near one of those crying rocks (Luke 19:38-40 AMP). God is waiting.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hey, Those Are My Kids!!!!

Alright, so we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior and have learned some things that we expect should be happening in our lives on a constant. A little skeptical at first, but He has proven Himself over and over again to be true. There were plenty of things we can say, that if it weren't for the Lord, the outcome of many circumstances would have been a lot worse then they were. Thank God for Jesus! Phew!!!

Now as much as you would not like to complain about your life (because you know better then to do that), you have these thoughts. No matter how much you rebuke them and try to think of more pleasant things, the entertainment of these thoughts, you can't help but to admit, how true some of them are. Stuff like:

It was so much easier when you didn't know as much as you do about Jesus.
You had more friends when you didn't know about salvation.
You use to be the "cool" parent.
What's a little drink with co-workers after work? It doesn't have to be alcohol.
You can dance to "old school" music. What's the harm in that? Yeesh!

So you venture forth reasoning that you should be able to be happy too. There can't be an issue doing any of those things. True, you haven't been doing them in a long time because you hadn't had a desire to do them since coming into the knowledge of the truth, but it wasn't an issue before. What's the big deal now? Besides, you were asked by a few of your friends and they haven't been around in awhile. Why not? Its just a little fun, and you deserve it.

That is the attitude I had and have heard while on this Christian journey. I have seen some hard times and have wailed before the Lord, "What have I done to deserve this punishment? Tell me, so I can turn this thing around!" I went before ministers for help and they had no clue. I went to different ministries and expected to hear a more clear message just for me because I was visiting. It didn't happen. I forged through those times of which I remember and wince at the aggravation, frustration, and even questioning if I really received salvation. Because nothing changed and it didn't seem my question was being answered, I stayed to myself and continued to pray and study the Word. 

Did you think I was going to write that I gave up and went back out in the world? Ha! I know better. There is nothing for me out there no matter what turmoil I was going through at the time. I knew enough to know that God gives us tests for us to use the new material we have learned attending services regularly. There is a reason in bringing that notebook and taking notes. I went through the messages for the last few months. I had nothing in my notebook to keep me encouraged with all of the crap I was going through. Sure, I could keep saying the same verses that the ministers gave me over and over again but would that give me a clear understanding what this was? I kid you not, one minister I saw in the hall of the church on a weekday, stopped me. I thought he had heard from the Lord and was going to give me the answer I had been looking for. At first, he thought I needed to hear compliments. This was only irritating me. Then he said a scripture that I didn't hear from the other ministers. I suppose he saw the look of relief on my face and then quoted a few more verses. No, not the actual scripture like the Lord said, this or that. He was stating a specific book of the bible and the numbered verse where the scripture would found. He had a monster list of verses. He asked me if I had a paper and pen and continued on. I wish I had not seen him while going out of the door. When I tried to leave he said, "I'm not finished." He sat at the edge of the window (nowhere near the door I was trying to get out of) and got himself comfortable. He sighed, looked up at the ceiling and rattled off verse after verse for me to list on the back of my notebook.  At the time, I didn't see God's sense of humor. 

When I  got to my car, I wondered what that minister thought I was going to do with that list. I went home and began looking up some of the verses hoping that I would get some relief in what I found. He just rattled off verses. None of them had anything to do with what I was going through. I then thought about the scripture in Proverbs where it says there is safety in a multitude of counselors. Did I need to see more? So I did. It didn't get any better. What to do? What to do? I prayed....fervently....habitually.....with expectation.

Oddly enough, it took years before I got an answer. Why oddly? Because God doesn't work like that. So
why was it years rather then hours or a few days? Because its not Him - its us. We say, think, and do a myriad of things that we believe is normal. We have been trained in it for so long, we don't see the harm. But there is. I have written this message before in much detail. The reason I am writing this again is for the simple fact, its been years and you might be going through something that some minister gave an arbitrary, pedantic excuse for it. Do you know I had a female minister tell me that God is busy right now but He will get to me as soon as He gets the chance to? Uh, what?

There has to come a time where its just you and God and no one else can see you through the stuff you put yourself in. No one else will understand it. No one else will seem to care. God is calling you to Him. The relationship needs to be stronger. He would like for you to spend more time with Him. You need to. You are called to do something great and in order for that to happen, you need to spend that time with greatness. There is no one else greater. No one else. Realize that!

Now look at the title of this entry. You were drawn to the title because it sounds like you. But in reading the contents, you think that could be the voice of God protecting His own. You were right the first time. God would never call you His kid. As much as I have heard and said myself, I am a King's kid, it was wrong and God saw no pleasure in us saying such things. Let's break this down biblicily.

There will come a time (if it hasn't already begun) where God will begin to separate the goats from the sheep.
It is depicted in the parable of the wheat and the tares. The servant tells the farmer that the devil has planted some tares among the wheat. Problem is that the tares look like the wheat and it takes an experienced farmer to know the difference. God's wisdom and infinite mercy shows us Himself where the farmer tells the servant to allow the tares to grow. This will show which is which. Tares don't produce fruit. Tares will be pulled up, bundled together and burned. This is also illustrated when Jesus came upon a fig tree and saw no productivity on it. The tree was cursed to the root. The disciples marveled at how fast this happened.

We call our children kids not thinking that we are essentially marking them. God doesn't see your children as kids. He sees them as seeds of righteousness. Lambs, not goats. Baby goats are called kids. You do not wish to separate them yourself when God has no intention of doing this. You are creating your own chaos. You see that now, don't you? Let the Words of your mouth and meditation of your heart be acceptable in His sight. He's listening to you.