While pondering that question, here is a link to one of the most popular entries in the Christian Single blog, Making It Plain. It is entitled, The Lower Nature where I have written about this topic before; however, recently a question was posed in a Christian group on Facebook. The topic of masturbation was simplified as being something that has become a necessity. The statement (paraphrasing): if one has an itch, one scratches it. If one is hungry, one eats. If one is thirsty, one drinks and so forth implying that masturbation would also be well fitted into that reasoning. Personally, it sounds plausible yet this would also make sense to a sinner. That by itself was a cause for me to find a definitive verse in the Word that would unequivocally satiate the believer but disturb the sinner. Why? The believer and sinner will never think alike (2 Corinthians 6:14 KJV). There is no commonality in the two other then what once was but has since passed away. The sinner will pacify himself with wrong doing, wrong thinking, and will try to influence others to make the act socially acceptable disregarding absolute truth.
Let's try to make some sense as to why something so exclusive and private would have ever be thought of as taboo. Honestly, if Jerry Seinfeld would have never made fun of the sexual act in his sitcom, would we be as cavalier with the use of it now? Commercials for products designed to enhance the performance are being produced without protest. Boutiques carry battery operated devices that sell well in an industry that is booming. With so much social acceptance and has been labeled as something that everyone is doing or has done before, why should Christians be concerned? Would it keep a believer out of heaven?
The next day after the young woman asked the question in the Christian group on Facebook, Joyce Meyer, Dr. Creflo Dollar, and Bishop T. D. Jakes also delved into it all on the same day. It was amazing! Well, they used the term self control while I answered the question using the word, discipline. It is not something too many Christians rally to know anything about. Discipline and self control has as much edge of the seat, riveting, genuine interest as a believer asking God for more long suffering and patience; yet all 4 of these traits with 5 more are necessary for Jehovah's harvest to be what He expects (Galatians 5:22-23 AMP).
Shall we continue even further or do you have an understanding where this is going?
While I understand why the question was asked, the only way any believer reading that question can truly be set free is through the Word of God. When hearing other sermons on the matter (too few to get into depth), the scriptures used were on fornication and lust. The speaker would group those two subjects in with masturbation and leave the listener not quite content with having the actual question answered. Would God be so specific about those two subjects and not be specific about something by which He knew would be an issue in these last days? With Him being a Good Father and the supplier of all of our needs, He also would be specific in this matter as well.
As a disciple of Christ, this means one is disciplined. Can you see how the two words are similar? In the discipleship, one accepts the responsibility of being consecrated in Him. He/she allows for the Holy Spirit to have full control of the will. In so doing, one's purpose in life becomes clear or is confirmed. Jehovah-Jireh has sought and supplied our needs. We have a healer, deliverer, a comforter, a supplier, a peace giver it is all good all of the time. If our hearts and minds are stayed on Him, why would there be a need for anything else? If urges arise and we are not married, wouldn't that be a clue that there is something we have fed our hearts and minds that is not of Him? It would have to be, don't you see? He has supplied EVERYTHING!!! Why would there be a need to gratify self (Galatians 5:16-25 AMP)?
As a disciple of Christ, this means one is disciplined. Can you see how the two words are similar? In the discipleship, one accepts the responsibility of being consecrated in Him. He/she allows for the Holy Spirit to have full control of the will. In so doing, one's purpose in life becomes clear or is confirmed. Jehovah-Jireh has sought and supplied our needs. We have a healer, deliverer, a comforter, a supplier, a peace giver it is all good all of the time. If our hearts and minds are stayed on Him, why would there be a need for anything else? If urges arise and we are not married, wouldn't that be a clue that there is something we have fed our hearts and minds that is not of Him? It would have to be, don't you see? He has supplied EVERYTHING!!! Why would there be a need to gratify self (Galatians 5:16-25 AMP)?
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