In this season of joy, giving, and delighting in seeing the wide eyes of the children, there are those who have either suffered a loss, dealing with trauma, or haven't sufficiently recuperated from whatever has happened in the past. Take some comfort in knowing, you aren't alone. Singles have the same issues as well and has stumbled onto a "strange' path in dealing with the matter. You can read about that here (Make It Plain Lenora).
Nevertheless, for you, the mature true believer (whether single or not), you have studied, you have prayed, you have asked God, yet you still don't have that Christmas Spirit. The solution is simple though some would think that the weight of the problem demands so much more. Its as easy as considering your ways (Psalm:119:59, Proverbs 4:26, Haggai 1:5-7 AMP) .
Before you click over to something that's going to tickle your ears or comfort your flesh (2 Timothy 4:3 KJV), just meditate on that for a moment. There is a root to what you are going through (Matthew 15:13 KJV). If you take just a few minutes, this journey could be a profitable one (1 Corinthians 16:12 AMP).
There was a plus sized model that had been hired by the most famous modeling agency in the world. She was in high demand having fashion designers calling on a constant for her to be their shows. From New York to Milan to Paris, she was in high demand and enjoying every minute of it. then one evening as she was coming off of the runway and about to change into another outfit, she heard a fashion reporter say, "she has such a beautiful face, if only she could lose about 30 pounds everyone would want her." The comment caused her to turn to see who said it, while doing so, she lost her footing and stumbled. As she was helped up, she looked to see who it was, but there were so many people back stage, she just couldn't tell. Once changed into the new garment, the stage designer whispered to her, "smile, you look fabulous!" She thought she was smiling. When she stepped out onto the runway, the audience oohed and applauded. The designers saved their best fashions for the end and she was always chosen to wear the best designs. Yet the model was still contending with what she still needed to do to be the best in her career - lose 30 pounds.
The point to this scenario and the title of this entry is for you to watch who you hire (Ephesians 6:18 AMP). When an employer looks to fill a position, he/she does so because there is a problem. The position was created to resolve the problem. Having that particular job available means a solution has been in place. The employer asks questions to make sure the candidate is well qualified to handle the task. He/she doesn't deliberately try to hire more problems. The well qualified candidate might find other things that can be improved upon and has the solution for that as well. Being highly qualified is an asset to the company and an excellent fit for a long term employee (Matthew 7:18 AMP).
In the perspective of us as individuals, we do hire and fire as well. The comments we hear can be constructive or devastating. Construction is an action word meaning to build and make strong. Devastation is just the opposite. Like an employer, you have the task to hire that which is edifying, exhorting, or comforting (construction). The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy (devastation).
Parents can say some things that aren't always profitable for you, yet you might think, because they are your parents, you have to honor them (Mark 7:10 AMP). We don't choose our parents, we do choose what to think and do (Philippians 4:8 AMP). God is good. Best friends are there because of common interests that surpass any similarities with anyone else. Even so, not being raised in the same family does create a difference and at times can be challenging; yet there is a friend closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24 AMP. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? You have a choice to have a good day or not. What do you say to yourself to seal your 24 hours will look like? Will the day be progressive or destructive.
God says you are fearfully made, more than a conqueror, and able to do all things. He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5 KJV). Goodness and mercy follow you (Psalm 23:6 KJV) . The Holy Spirit leads and guides you (John 16:13 KJV). Jesus is your Defense, Judge, Salvation, Deliverer, and Lord. Is there a better list of qualifications? Who else is more equipped to do the job? Who have you been hiring? What's been your truth? If you are being honest, we have found the root we previously discussed. Now rejoice and ....Have a Merry Christmas!
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