Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Comfort Food

I enjoy cooking for my family and for those who can appreciate the flavors as well as the labor of cooking from scratch. The style of cooking for me isn't specific to one type. I like fresh food where the flavors merry well and when one has finished the meal he/she isn't looking for more 10-20 minutes later. The meals I serve are satisfying.

Satisfying an appetite is so different then trying to comfort someone with food. I recall as a child coming home from school distressed because the bully antagonizing me in the 4th grade happened to be my teacher. Eventually I would tell my mother while we were out shopping. As I was telling her, she took me to an ice cream parlor (as they were once called). Was it intentional? I have no idea. Whether she had her childhood issues resolved that way or it was something she read, it seemed to have worked out for the best, though it wasn't the ice cream and I knew that. Nevertheless, when the term, "comfort food" was introduced, I had come into adulthood. Without defining the term, instinctively it seemed all that heard it, knew what it meant.

Over the years, "comfort foods" have developed into a style and is now a part of pop culture. Having its roots coming from the 40's and 50's, we understand that the food was mostly made from carbohydrates and fat. The food was created back in that fashion to fill a family to satisfaction. Today it is not something we consume daily due to the high fat content. Still, with relationship problems, distresses on the job, and daily issues with life, people tend to gravitate towards what will make them feel full, content, and satisfied like Momma use to make. There is a universal understanding that these foods are filling a psychological void; however, instead of getting the help that's needed, the calories still mound.

Now that the casserole, candy bar, cheeseburger, carton of ice cream, or whatever makes that sustaining feeling come about, is gone - did problems get resolved as well (John 4:13-14 AMP)? While shoveling those calories down, did some food fairy come along and make issues go away? As believers, I would like an explanation as to why food has been a comfort to you? Have you ever used the term? In using those words, would it be grievous to the Holy Spirit whom Jesus left to comfort us (Ephesians 4:29-30 AMP)?

We know that which the world does is not in the mannerisms by which we have been taught (James 4:4 AMP). We have been set aside as a peculiar nation (Deuteronomy 14:2 AMP). Embracing the peculiarities, we acknowledge that we also have a means to sustain us. We also have food by which we do get comforted. It does not cause us hurt, harm, or danger which the aforementioned could, if consumed in excessive amounts. The Word of God is life. We are made the light of the world and salt of the earth because of it (Matthew 5:12-14 AMP). We are content and satisfied because we know that in Him, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26 AMP). In Him it is already done. In Him we have the faith to keep us so not to complain or run to some means that will either be moth eaten, spoiled, or rusted through. We have a Comfort that is a constant (John 167-8 AMP).

Granted, with the babes in Christ, still on the milk of God's Word, they may have the tendency to reach back to that which is supposed to be dead. That is only because the babes in Christ have not learned anything new to replace that old (1 Corinthians 3:1-4 AMP). It is why the encouragement to keep going to church services and read the Word for yourself is paramount (Joshua 1:8 AMP). The children of God have learned more and will try his/her spiritual teeth on some of the meat but it still has to be repeated again and again in order for the child to sustain the new as good habits (Hebrews 5:11-14 AMP). Yet, the sons of God have skills and exercises their power in Christ. They have used the gifts that have been given and have no identity crisis at no time. The meat of the Word has been our sustenance for a long time and we have established ourselves as friends of God (James 2:21-24 AMP). Understand, these are levels of maturity in the faith. Macaroni and cheese doesn't come close to what we have in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:3-4 AMP).


Blythart (Dave) said...

See my comment on secret staches.

Food makes us physically fat. The bread of heaven make sus spiritually fat :-)

Blythart (Dave) said...
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