I woke up one morning thinking of all I had to do before the end of the day. I do this most mornings.
Oddly, a feeling of dread came over me wanting to just stay in the bed. Now this part is going to sound strange. In my mind, I have a list of what I need to do. In my heart, I know if I don't do half of the list, I won't like the remainder of the day...and still that feeling of staying in the bed, when it has no part of my personality was looming. What was that? Where does it come from and why was it anywhere around me?
Some people think to forge ahead and do what it is you have to do while others think its God and they will stay in the bed. What I do is investigate so I won't have to deal with this thing again. I whole heartily believe what Jesus did was for my good and anything that is not good must be kept away... like that looming feeling for me to stay in the bed. Many days, I have to deliberately make up my mind to keep to that list in order to reach my short and long termed goals. Those times can make for a busy day but when making a list of all of those things to be done and spreading them throughout the week, at the end of the month ( a new list every Sunday) I am pleased with how much I have accomplished. I gather the lists at the end of the month (and year) and find how much closer I am in completing the goal or rejoicing that it is done. This is also true in other matters.
Have you ever worked or lived near a community of people that spoke a different language then the one you are use to? Sometimes you feel they are talking about you especially when you know they could speak your language if they wished to. Did you ever think about learning that language too. You know, in your spare time. If you learn one word everyday for a year, that's 365 words you didn't know and a few steps closer in being able to understand what is being said and actually have a conversation right back with them. It rids you of confusion, speculation, and most of all - error.
Why not? Why won't we make that effort? We do it when it comes to our health...well, most of us do. We take vitamins and minerals for prevention. We exercise and control our diets for optimization of health. We take medications that have been prescribed so we won't return to ill health. So why not make an effort to do other things that can give ourselves more of an advantage? Its not like we can't do it! And actually, these days, people see those that speak more then one language as being super smart. Its not that hard, All it takes is discipline.
Wait is that the culprit? When I realized that the Word of God is the key for the abundant life He offers to those that believe, I was all over it learning all I needed to about my Lord and Savior. Just when I think I got it down, I hear another portion of a sermon and am surprised at how much more there is. Yet, its always refreshing. Its like a treasure trove that hasn't been tapped into yet. How do you think I get all of this material to write? It took some doing to change habits for me to pray and study the Word. The flesh would have me to be an illiterate....but God. It wasn't as hard once I made up my mind to do it and isn't that the definition of a disciplined person? Now all I need to do is harness this same discipline to get my waist back into the 20's again.
It used to be said when I was a child, that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Later, I heard to remember the ABC's and you will stay healthy. Those ABC's being, apples, beets, and celery. If juiced and consumed every morning, one would either stay healthy or maintain health. Could this be true with spiritual health and the Word? What are you believing for? Have you found the corresponding verse in the Word of God? Have you said it everyday? Why not try saying, God loves me everyday, before you leave your home. After 365 days, there should be a change within you or around you. How can something so simple do so much? Comment on the changes you have experienced below this time next year.... that is, if the Lord tarries.
As for that feeling of dread looming the moment you try to get out of the bed, I had to ask myself, "did I rest anytime this week?" When I know that I haven't, I answered the original question of why. Being the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus and it being one of the ingredients to Kingdom Life, I know dread has no part of that and has no business being around me (Romans 14:17 KJV). So it has to be something I have done or have neglected to do. Even under a new dispensation, as Christians we are accountable for our actions. We are presenting these bodies as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1 AMP). God tells us to be thou holy for He is holy (1 Peter 1:16 AMP). How holy is it for us to work 24 hours a day - 7 days a week when He didn't do it (Genesis 2:2 AMP)? Do you see yourself greater then God? To what purpose are you working so hard? Those efforts will cause you ill health and without asking for forgiveness or changed behavior, deliverance waits. All of your efforts in working so hard will be for nothing.
There are 52 weeks in a year. 52 of those days out of that one year are meant for you to rest. If you find it difficult to do at the end of the week, take 4 days off at the end of the month or 24 days off at the end of 6 months. There are means for you to be pleased with completing goals while keeping your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. This will keep dread away and continued satisfaction in the Lord.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Service With A Smile
Why would you think as soon as you find the person you are to marry that your services are no longer needed. If you served in order for her/him to be noticed to date, why do you think it changes? This is more true of men then it is of women. Women know, seeing we are married we are to submit to our husbands and he is looking for her to be obedient to him. But what about his service? Is he not to love his wife as Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5:25 AMP)? What does he think that means? Jesus served. He washed the feet of the disciples. He humbled himself (John 13:5-10 AMP). When a man speaks of his wife being submitted to him, does that sound humble? When reminding of his wife about submission, does that sound like what Jesus did with the church? Jesus said that He came not to condemn man but for him to have life and have it more abundantly (John 3:17 AMP). Does he have that same characteristic when he interacts with her? If he doesn't have it while dating, he won't be this way during the marriage.
I recall a young man telling me that his mother taught him not to be embarrassed when he had to go to the store to purchase his wife's feminine products. He also claimed that his mother taught him how to cook as well, just in case she would need for him to do so if nothing else for himself. He was pleased that he had all of these skills and knew it was a selling point to tell the woman of his desires for her to marry him. He did find a woman that appealed to him, yet when she asked him to do all of those things his mother had taught him to do, it was like pulling teeth from a brick. He found every excuse not to do it and called her lazy for asking him. It got to the point where he thought killing a bug was too much for him to do for her. His reasoning was, what if he weren't there and the children needed her protection? He said she needed the practice in killing bugs and spiders herself. Is it a wonder why she didn't feel affectionate towards him in a few years after they married? If she continued her service with a smile despite his services towards her, would there be consequences in his life? Is God in agreement with this man and his reasoning (Matthew 5:44 AMP)?
A young woman, not knowing until brought to her attention, looked at her husband in disdain because he found it difficult to keep a job. She could not respect a man that had her as a wife and family to support yet did not do whatever he could to stay employed. It became increasingly difficult for her to talk to him without bickering. She knew what her obligation to do as a Christian was, but for some reason, it was too much for her to be kind and loving to the man she promised herself to. Was it her fault? Because he cannot keep a job and is the head of her, could she lose her Christian principles? Did she have a right to be disrespectful towards him (1 Peter 3:2 AMP)?
A woman at her desk was called into her supervisor's office. The supervisor tells her that the work schedule is wrong and has made some changes that is more comparable to the order of things in the work place. The woman looks at the schedule and sees that all of her days that she has had for the last 3 years have been changed. Her supervisor tells her that this is the schedule that they agreed to months ago. The woman disagreed and told her supervisor it was a mistake. She continued that she never agreed to those changes. The supervisor claimed that the meeting with all of the employees at the beginning of the year never said anything including her. So it was the schedule agreed to and there is nothing she could do about it. The woman realizing she was fighting a losing battle gets up to leave. Just then she remembered that she had an email and it confirms what she had been saying, She sends the email to her supervisor. The supervisor sends a response, there will be no changes to the schedule. Is this a fight that needs to be taken to Human Resources? Would it be worth it knowing this woman would have to go back and work with this same supervisor? Can she come back the next day smiling ready to work knowing that her supervisor is less then honorable? Would God be pleased if she did or would He be more pleased if she quit (Ephesians 6:5-10 AMP)?
These are some of the things we go through as Christians and for some, these things are minute and elementary to deal with. For others, it is the reason your peace is troubled. It reminds me when I was a child. I have an older brother who used to tease me incessantly. He would be thrilled the more I shrieked for him to leave me alone. Sometimes we would wrestle and other times it would be physically fighting. I would be hitting him as hard as I could and he would just laugh. The thing is, we never crossed the line to pick up a weapon to hurt one another. There would have been serious and more than likely fatal damage if we had. My point is, when or why would anyone go beyond the boundaries that have been given to us (Galatians 5:16-25 AMP)?
We know who we are in Christ. We know what is expected of us. We know that if we don't pass these tests, the test will continue to come back until we do. When dating, people have silly ideas they need to do in order to see what is your tolerance level. Yes, this is a tt to. If anyone decides to do such mind games, walk away. He /she will continue to do so and it is a seed sown that you will have to suffer if you continue with the relationship anyway.
I originally wrote this entry for the Christian Singles blog. In it, it answers a Christian's need to find their own spouse or why he/she must be patient in waiting for God. This does answer that question to some degree. It also answers to the Christian single why he/she isn't comfortable with their choice. People have reasons for doing and living in the matter they choose. Some like their mess. That doesn't mean you have to wallow in it too. If they can find a reason to retaliate when Jesus says that the revenge belongs to Him, who are you to do otherwise? You have more reason to smile knowing that you have an ally that has your back (Hebrews 3:5 AMP).
I recall a young man telling me that his mother taught him not to be embarrassed when he had to go to the store to purchase his wife's feminine products. He also claimed that his mother taught him how to cook as well, just in case she would need for him to do so if nothing else for himself. He was pleased that he had all of these skills and knew it was a selling point to tell the woman of his desires for her to marry him. He did find a woman that appealed to him, yet when she asked him to do all of those things his mother had taught him to do, it was like pulling teeth from a brick. He found every excuse not to do it and called her lazy for asking him. It got to the point where he thought killing a bug was too much for him to do for her. His reasoning was, what if he weren't there and the children needed her protection? He said she needed the practice in killing bugs and spiders herself. Is it a wonder why she didn't feel affectionate towards him in a few years after they married? If she continued her service with a smile despite his services towards her, would there be consequences in his life? Is God in agreement with this man and his reasoning (Matthew 5:44 AMP)?
A young woman, not knowing until brought to her attention, looked at her husband in disdain because he found it difficult to keep a job. She could not respect a man that had her as a wife and family to support yet did not do whatever he could to stay employed. It became increasingly difficult for her to talk to him without bickering. She knew what her obligation to do as a Christian was, but for some reason, it was too much for her to be kind and loving to the man she promised herself to. Was it her fault? Because he cannot keep a job and is the head of her, could she lose her Christian principles? Did she have a right to be disrespectful towards him (1 Peter 3:2 AMP)?
A woman at her desk was called into her supervisor's office. The supervisor tells her that the work schedule is wrong and has made some changes that is more comparable to the order of things in the work place. The woman looks at the schedule and sees that all of her days that she has had for the last 3 years have been changed. Her supervisor tells her that this is the schedule that they agreed to months ago. The woman disagreed and told her supervisor it was a mistake. She continued that she never agreed to those changes. The supervisor claimed that the meeting with all of the employees at the beginning of the year never said anything including her. So it was the schedule agreed to and there is nothing she could do about it. The woman realizing she was fighting a losing battle gets up to leave. Just then she remembered that she had an email and it confirms what she had been saying, She sends the email to her supervisor. The supervisor sends a response, there will be no changes to the schedule. Is this a fight that needs to be taken to Human Resources? Would it be worth it knowing this woman would have to go back and work with this same supervisor? Can she come back the next day smiling ready to work knowing that her supervisor is less then honorable? Would God be pleased if she did or would He be more pleased if she quit (Ephesians 6:5-10 AMP)?
These are some of the things we go through as Christians and for some, these things are minute and elementary to deal with. For others, it is the reason your peace is troubled. It reminds me when I was a child. I have an older brother who used to tease me incessantly. He would be thrilled the more I shrieked for him to leave me alone. Sometimes we would wrestle and other times it would be physically fighting. I would be hitting him as hard as I could and he would just laugh. The thing is, we never crossed the line to pick up a weapon to hurt one another. There would have been serious and more than likely fatal damage if we had. My point is, when or why would anyone go beyond the boundaries that have been given to us (Galatians 5:16-25 AMP)?
We know who we are in Christ. We know what is expected of us. We know that if we don't pass these tests, the test will continue to come back until we do. When dating, people have silly ideas they need to do in order to see what is your tolerance level. Yes, this is a tt to. If anyone decides to do such mind games, walk away. He /she will continue to do so and it is a seed sown that you will have to suffer if you continue with the relationship anyway.
I originally wrote this entry for the Christian Singles blog. In it, it answers a Christian's need to find their own spouse or why he/she must be patient in waiting for God. This does answer that question to some degree. It also answers to the Christian single why he/she isn't comfortable with their choice. People have reasons for doing and living in the matter they choose. Some like their mess. That doesn't mean you have to wallow in it too. If they can find a reason to retaliate when Jesus says that the revenge belongs to Him, who are you to do otherwise? You have more reason to smile knowing that you have an ally that has your back (Hebrews 3:5 AMP).
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