Saturday, November 12, 2011


There is a reason we all have favorites. It is so that we can tell others. There is just something in having a favorite this or that. Does it change over the years? Sometimes depending on what that thing is. Some of us have a favorite  food and when we have eaten it so much, the fondness of it sort of changes to the point of wishing that particular food never existed. Some have a favorite color where friends and family notice such things because it is either in the car he/she drives, in the entire home decor, or what is worn most often. Whatever the favorite is, it makes us feel good and we enjoy having something we can call - just ours.

With people, there is a difference. We cannot have our favorite people around us all of the time even when we hope they could be. This is stalking and can get a person in some serious trouble. As parents, it is a dangerous thing to have a favorite child because what will the other children do to compete for attention or did we all forget the story of Joseph and the coat of many colors? We can have a favorite speaker in church, only won't that cause us to judge all of the other speakers that the pastor invites to teach? We can have a favorite in friends. We call them our best friend because he/she knows us so well and is there to support us no matter what the endeavor. Those friendships we cherish and hope to have through out the rest of our lives - only those relationships are too few and far between with as many people there are on the earth. If only I can get through this post with the glass completely full. Right now its sounding pretty bleak.

I was thinking about the subject matter wondering what the verse meant that God is no respecter of person (Acts 10:34 AMP). What does that mean? He loves us all just the same? So why does it seem that some people have more favor then others?
You mean that God has absolutely no favorites? Then why is David called a man after God's own heart? Why was Pharaoh's heart hardened when the scripture states that God can turn the heart of a king? Why did Job lose everything when he was a priest and could have received instruction to have a different outcome? Is there favoritism in the scriptures in God? Was Jesus the favorite? 
Speculation would have people thinking all sort of things, but there is only one way to get the real answers. It is in the bible.

If one was really interested to know if God has favorites, one would have to do some serious investigating into the Word. He is not a man that He should lie nor a son of man that He should repent (Number 23:19 AMP). Therefore, we would have to rely on the verse that He is no respecter of person as being the truth. It just doesn't have to stop there. We know that it is impossible to please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6 AMP). In order to receive, we have to believe. Now, if I were to answer the questions above based on faith, we have our answer. Can you see it? David wrote most of Psalms and he was noted as one who was a keeper of the sheep. As he was out in the field guarding what he was assigned to, he studied, thought and meditated on God and wrote poetry and song with Him in mind. Who else did that? Who does that now? Was it favoritism that David became king or was it the blessings of God because of what David did secretly (Matthew 6:3-5 AMP)?

Pharaoh was not a believer. He had idols and expected answers from stone, wood, or metal. Moses was assigned to do a task and had many excuses as to why he couldn't do it. This sounded much like Adam blaming the woman for the fall, the woman blaming the serpent, and the serpent had no one else that could speak. Did God need to be reminded of that? Wouldn't it tick you off just a tad even when you brought your child out from disaster over and over again? Where is his faith? Ah, can you see it now?

Job expressed fear much like Moses. Only Job being who he was in the community as he reminds his friends, he thought he could do something about the unknown iniquities of his children even before they do anything. He then began atoning for sin that was never confessed. It was an action based on fear. This action caused him to lose everything he had. God originally blessed him and Job's action of fear rather then faith caused him to lose it all.

As I studied to see what is pleasing in the sight of God, I pondered over the prodigal son. The youngest son squandered his inheritance while the older son stayed and did what he was told. When the younger son returned after realizing his mistake, the father commanded for a festival to welcome him back. The oldest son seemed jealous that his obedience was never celebrated. As many times as I heard this preached and I have read again and again, I still sympathized with the oldest son. I understand the celebration, it is what all of heaven does when there is one soul saved. It is written that the good shepherd will leave the ninety-nine to get the one sheep that left the fold (Matthew 18:12-14 AMP). Its that same jealousy of the older brother of the prodigal son that caused Joesph to be sold into slavery. Its the same jealousy that shows immaturity in the Spirit. Its jealousy that keeps us from getting all that God has for us. While the oldest son could have been pleased for the return of his brother and have fun in the festivities, he more then likely sulked.

If we would keep our entire focus on God, we should then find the things that would be pleasing to Him. We know its impossible to please Him without faith. Did you know that He receives pleasure in the prosperity of His servants (Psalm 35:27 AMP)? Why then would Jesus tell the rich young ruler to sell all he has in order to follow Him (Matthew 19:16-24 AMP)? Wouldn't He have been pleased at the young man's wealth? Question is, how did this ruler get his wealth? Was it by the instruction of God, by his own hand, or given to him with no effort from him at all? Let's test it. Sell all you have. If you know how to obtain wealth, you will get it again. He was rich and young and more then likely was given an inheritance too soon. If he has the faith, then there would be no problem with giving all he had to the poor (Proverbs 19:17 AMP). If he asked to follow the Lord, then he would have no issue in doing what the Lord told him to do. He did have issue with it, for he went away grieved. It is one of the saddest parables in the bible and still one of my favorites to use.

Those that study and believe in the power of prayer have favorite scriptures to use. Why are they favorites? The Word has different things to different people. We don't all go through the same things at the same time. While the 23rd Psalm is what people used as children to memorize in an Easter pageant, it still has impact to a senior citizen born and raised in the church pews. Personally, I cleave to the verses that have practical application. I like the suddenly impact. In studying about following my Lord and Personal Savior, I couldn't help but to see the similarities with His ministry and the things that David did when he was assigned to care for the sheep. Do you see where I am going with that idea? So in answering if Jesus was the ultimate favorite... I would have to see that God called Him His only begotten Son and He said David was a man after God's own heart (Acts 13:22 AMP). He blessed Abraham as the Father of many nations and used Moses to lead His people out of Egypt. He told Joshua to be strong and courageous and said to Saul that he was head and shoulder's above the rest. Mary is favored as well as Esther. All of these people are in the lineage of Jesus and if you believe to receive, you are as well. So I would think that if you wish to also be pleasing in the sight of God with an adjective that would have you beaming for the rest of you life - why not just ask? He's waiting to hear from you.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Yes, Forgive... But Forget?

Forgiveness is right up there with loving your neighbor as yourself. Its something that we automatically know to do as well seasoned Christians. It is why we have tests in this area because non-believers try to tempt us to do anything but (James 1:13 KJV). How foolish of them because we know where our focus is and our mindset is stayed on Him (Isaiah 26:3 KJV). Hah, what folly to convince a Christian otherwise. We can laugh hysterically knowing that it is one of the first things we've gained strength [wiping tear from the laughter].

So once the forgiveness takes place, we can forget that which was done against us....well, because....its...well... you...oh crap! For the longest time, before I became a Christian, I actually prided myself in remembering all of the malicious things done to me and even after apologies had taken place and I accepted their apology, I never  forgot what they did. And when they thought they even looked like they didn't agree with me for what ever the reason, it reminded me of what they had done before and why I didn't like them in the first place. With my siblings, I recalled things they had forgotten about. I thought it was quite remarkable that I had such a brilliant mind to recall it all, verbatim. While I believed all listening were astonished, they were more then likely embarrassed. It didn't matter though, to those who believe they are brilliant are also diluted to believe that the embarrassed are also jealous.

Once coming into the knowledge of the truth, I could see who really was deluded. When I understood the concept of forgetting the matter, I had to justify why it was necessary for me to continue to remember the wrong acts perpetrated against me because I couldn't release the idea of me having such the brilliant mind. I believed that if I forgot what was done, then the person that did what he/she did would continue to do these things and I would look like the fool. What idiot allows for someone to keep smacking him in the face without walking away or defending themselves? Yes, I agreed that we all should forgive one another but to forget was synonymous to being a wimp...a punk... and lamoid (if that's a word). Forgetting was like allowing dementia to come in and have a place to reside. I just couldn't do it. It was too much....way too much.

Then you start growing up and finally digesting the meat of the Word rather then only sucking on its juices. For years I was settled in the forgiveness of others, but forgetting, especially in relationships meant it was alright to be a doormat (Ephesians 4:32 KJV). It took for me to be quiet and rest in the things I learned about God for me to see why it is necessary to actually forgive...really and truly forgive. It is a heart matter. We can say and believe we did this and that; however, bringing the matter up again and again, proves that what we said previously, we didn't actually believe. I recall in having a personal diary. I wrote everything in those books from the age of twelve to the age of thirty-something. Every once in awhile, I would take out one or two and go back and read what I wrote as a teenager or young adult. For the most part, I would laugh at the silly things that happened and how I use to think. But I also recalled what I was feeling at the time I wrote about the particular incident. I would say things like, "oh yeah, I remember that" or just got upset all over again. The matter was over. It was years ago! Just then, I sensed the peace I had become use to, be troubled. I mean really troubled like a physical ailment all of a sudden.

The Word says that if we confess, God is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9 KJV). That which we have committed, He sends as far as the east is from the west, never brings up past transgressions again. The guilt that is perpetrated on us comes from those we have entrusted with secrets that are not worthy to keep them and those who can see that some of us have not studied as we should have so can now be easily manipulated. We then learn things on how to do to others because of what has been done to us. This is not good treasure. God says that He sees the heart of man. If our hearts can justify manipulating others through guilt, you will also be judged by the same manner. If,on the other hand, you can forgive someone and forget their past transgressions, as God has done to us, your heart He will recognize as His own because you are truly exemplifying His mirror image.

To think it is lame or weak to forgive and forget is a means to keep you in a state of childhood. You cannot reach your fullest potential unless you can see what righteousness really is. Once the act has been forgiven, there is nothing to recall. You have not because you ask not... but it has been asked. You are to forgive and let the matter go...just as God for Christ's sake had forgiven you (Ephesians 4:32 AMP).

I have since thrown away all of those journals. I did not wish to have anything written of someone else's past transgressions not knowing when they have asked God for forgiveness (Matthew 6:14-15 KJV). He doesn't bring up their past. He doesn't bring up my past. Why do I have their past and mine written in a journal? The time is drawing nigh when we will stand and be held accountable. Have you asked for forgiveness and turn from the past? Have you forgiven yourself, never to bring up the past again?